Curated by Atrium Academy &

This is a non-exhaustive list of suggestions. We encourage you to explore your own ideas including building an integration with your company.

<aside> 💡 Are you looking to submit new hook ideas? ping @bhaumik27 (Atrium) or @aiden00x ( on Telegram.


This RFH also includes a star guide in order to call out specific items we want to see more of: watch out for 🌟 to see startups and tools we want to see prioritized. The more 🌟 the more we want to see this!

Uniswap Hook Incubator’s Hook Requests

  1. Gas Price Fees 🌟🌟
  2. JiT Rebalancing Hook 🌟🌟
  3. Nezlobin’s Directional Fee 🌟🌟
  4. CSMM Custom Curves 🌟🌟
  5. LAMMBert 🌟🌟
  6. Async Swap Fulfillments 🌟
  7. Coincidence of Wants 🌟

Hook Requests from Partners

  1. Eigenlayer’s hook ideas
  2. Brevis’ hook ideas
  3. Chainlink’s hook ideas
  4. Ani Pai from Dragonfly Capital